VEHICLEs | BIcycles | PEDESTRiANs | bus & rail transit
Multi-Modal Solutions
transportation planning, Engineering, & Implementation
Complete Streets
Complete Streets
"The goal for Complete Streets projects is to address existing and future transportation corridors in a comprehensive manner, including the creation of an ordinance, a policy, guidelines, and standards that direct infrastructure projects in addressing Complete Streets concepts for cities as well as private developers.
Complete Streets efforts are typically coordinated closely with Bicycle Master Plans, Bike Share Programs, Comprehensive Transportation Studies, and others, all working towards the goal of designing livable streets for all transportation modes and providing travel options for the public."
Jenny L. Grote, PE, PTOE, PTP
"We decided to do it to reflect our commitment to the artistic community here in the Grand Avenue neighborhood." The neighborhood took a big hit during the recession in 2008, but it has rebounded with 26 art galleries, the recently opened Red House Pub and the soon-to-open Grand Avenue Pizza Company. "We thought the planters would be a good way to easily showcase the artists that live, work and show on Grand." The planters, which contain desert-friendly greenery, are part of a larger project known as the Greening of Lower Grand Avenue, which used a Greening America's Capitals federal grant to narrow the streets for bike lanes and on-street parking. The 55 concrete planters were placed along Grand to divert traffic away from the curbs so that cars can park along the street. The extra parking makes the Grand Avenue businesses more accessible and people more likely to stop and take a stroll.
-Laura Carmody, Chair of the adopt-a-planter project leader and a member of the Grand Avenue Merchants Association