infrastructure investment
Protecting Your Infrastructure Investment
Lessons learned from the nation's fifth largest city
Complete Streets provides for active transportation such as walking and bicycling, transportation choices, and increased access to major activity centers and residential areas. This initiative should include an ordinance, a policy, guidelines, and standards that direct and PROTECT infrastructure investments in Complete Streets projects by both public and private developers. coordinated closely with bicycle master plans, bike share programs, transportation studies, traffic impact studies - all working towards the goal of designing livable streets for all transportation modes and providing travel options for the public.
One of the characteristics of a Complete Street, as defined by the American Planning Association, is to be well maintained and capable of being maintained without excessive costs. Maintenance is a function of sustainability supporting multimodal features, yet sustainability through anticipated maintenance is key to making Complete Streets into Great Streets with successful projects by developing comprehensive, integrated, inter-connected transportation corridors that are safe and accessible for all people.